I wanted to provide you a quick letter outlining a little about myself and some of my qualification and motivations to serve as a District Court Judge. Being an attorney is a second career for me but continues my calling to serve our country and to always work long and hard to excel in every job I do. My working career started when I was 16 in James B. Hunt Jr. High School Wilson NC as a Student Bus Driver. During high school I worked at the local theater as a projectionist and at the famous Parker’s Barbeque as a waiter. I knew that I wanted to have an education and wanted to serve our country so 6 months after graduating from High School in 1985, I enlisted in the Air Force to become a Communication Operator and Computer Programmer. The Air Force sent me to Seymour Johnson AFB as my first assignment and it was there when the first Gulf war occurred, I provided direct support to the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing in that conflict. After that conflict, I was assigned to Maxwell Air Force base as a system programmer/analyst and was the lead programmer for the transition of the Air Force to using the internet for base to base communications. During these first two assignments I completed my Bachelors degree though the night program at North Carolina Wesleyan College. After my degree was complete in 1994 I applied and was accepted to go to Air Force Officer Training School and was assigned to Randolph Air force Base as a System Analyst , I was the project manager over the software coding team of 20 programmers responsible for the transitioning of the assignment system to a modern database system.
Next, I requested to transition from a support job to a direct combat operational position as a C130 navigator. After training I was sent to Pope AFB in Fayetteville, NC in 1999. I deployed many times to Iraq spending over 3 years in IRAQ flying over 100 combat missions. I also spent a year in South Korea as the Airlift Liaison to the senior Army unit 2nd Infantry Division ensuring smooth airlift during exercises. My next assignment was to work as the liaison for the 18th Airborne Corp while maintaining my flying status as an instructor navigator. I deployed to IRAQ in support of General Petraeus and General Austin during the surge operations and received a Bronze Star for Leadership during combat operations. I was also a senior member of “Train60” mission that was awarded the 2005 Clarence Mackay Trophy presented by The National Aeronautic Association and maintained at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.
Due to wanting to stay in North Carolina and pursue my dream of being a lawyer, I decided to retire from the military and go to law school. I have always wanted to be a prosecutor and interned at the District Attorney’s office in my home county of Harnett during 1L summer. My 2L internship was with the NC State Bar to understand the process of prosecuting lawyers. My final internship 3L year was with the Durham County District Attorneys office. I was able to do over 20 trials and knew that I had found a new career serving JUSTICE.
Once I passed the Bar in 2013 I was hired by the Durham County District Attorney‘s office to work in a Guns and Gangs prosecutor’s position. I next moved to Fayetteville’s District Attorney’s office as the Domestic Violence Prosecutor. As a NC Prosecutor I have tried over 100 district court trials and 30 superior court jury trials including two 1st degree Murder jury trials and pleading several 2nd degree murders and 1st degree Kidnapping, Assault by Strangulations, and Drug Trafficking charges. My additional duties have included being the project manager for the Domestic Violence Prosecutor grant position. I am the Veterans Treatment Court Prosecutor.
I have been married for 22 years to Sharon and have 5 children Christopher , Chelsea, Kara, Benjamin, and Megan. Two graduated from Overhills High School located in Harnett County my youngest is a freshman attending Overhills High school. I am a Christian and want to help the families of my community by listening and applying the law to ensure fair Justice to all.
Brian E. Lewis
North Carolina Central University School of Law
Juris Doctorate (Magna Cum Laude), May 2013
- Guardian Ad Litem for Durham County
- Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
(Summa Cum Laude), May 1994
work experience
Cumberland County District Attorney’s officE
Dec 2014 - Present
Senior Prosecute represent the sate of NC in Superior Court Trials, Plea Negotiation, Motions Practice, probation court and specialty courts including Veterans Treatment Court
Durham County District Attorney’s office
Aug 2013 - Nov 2014
Prosecute and represent the sate of NC in District and Superior Court Trials, Plea Negotiation, Motions Practice, probation court and specialty courts including Drug Treatment Court and Teen Diversion Court
Durham Guardian Ad Litem Program
Mar 2011 - Nov 2014
- Interview and prepare reports on all persons involved in the care of juveniles assigned by the court
- Attend all court proceedings that affect the legal rights of the juveniles
- Testify when needed to represent the interest of the child
Durham County District Attorney’s Office
Dec 2012 - Sep 2013
- 3rd Year Law school Practice
- Assisted District Attorney in Court room with Victim Coordination and Law Enforcement witness Preparation
- Tried over 20 District court Trials including DWI, Domestic Assault , Larceny, and Misdemeanor drug cases
NCCU School of Law Academic Support
Provided additional class room structured training for the IRS Tax Code Course.
NCCU School of Law Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Sep 2012 - Dec 2012
- Act as attorney of Low Income tax payers, Register with IS as Attorney for client
- Complete forms with client and submit for all applicable waivers
- Ran Volunteer Income Tax Assistance clinic
NCCU School of Law Domestic Violence Clinic
Sep 2012 - Dec 2012
- Act as attorney in Domestic Violence Protective Order civil cases
- Interview clients and advised on process to receive Domestic Violence Protective Orders
- Provide Violence prevention planning / represent in court
NC State Bar Office of Council
Jun 2012 – July 2012
Paid 2nd Year Law School Intern
- Evaluation of grievances and make written recommendations for violations of NC Rules of Professional Conduct
- Assist in preparing for Disbarment Hearings
- Legal Research and write memorandum of Law
Harnett County, District Attorney's Office
Lillington, NC
May 2011 - July 2011
- Assisted Deputy District Attorney in Superior and District Court (Traffic, DUI, Domestic Violence)
- Researched areas of law and provided memorandum as well as drafted Motions and Orders
- Interfaced with defense counsel and pro se defendants providing procedure information and continuances
Elton Lewis Homes
Sanford, NC
Spring 2009 - 2015
Small Business Owner/NC Real Estate Broker(License 241512)
- Own company that acts as a property manager for 20 properties in Raleigh and Fayetteville, NC
- Designed and managed all marketing including Web development, bookkeeper and all tax filling for company
- Approve all prospective tenants. Accept rents, pay vendors, and prepare all trust account statements for owners
United States Air Force
Fayetteville, NC
Nov. 2005 – Jan. 2010
Air Mobility Liaison Officer for XVIII Airborne Corp(ABC)/C-130 Instructor Senior Navigator
- Advised Commanding general of XVIII ABC U.S.A. on U.S. Air Force worldwide airlift capability.
- Deployed worldwide and managed and directed 20 other staff officers at 10 separate locations.
- Earned Bronze Star for distinguished combat service in Iraq. Current U.S. TOP Secret clearance.
Jan. 2003 – Nov. 2005
Flight Commander/C-130 Instructor Senior Navigator
- Led and directed team of 28 flight officers in support of a 200 person unit providing 28 combat ready C-130 aircrews with a yearly budget of $750K.
- Awarded 2005 Mackay Trophy first crew to train in combat while operationally flying the President of Iraq
- Earned five combat air medals for over 465 combat flight hours in Iraq and Afghanistan
Jan. 2002 – Jan. 2003
Chief Mobility Liaison for Republic of Korea/C-130 Navigator
Seoul, South Korea
- Provided training and advice on the most effective use of tactical airlift to South Korean Defense ministry
- Qualified on drop zone certification and landing zone operations, allowing emergency resupply
- Instrumental in Korean peninsula reorganization of airlift assets allowing for a 30% reduction in manning
May 1995 – Jan. 2002
Chief Assignment Support Section
San Antonio, TX
- Led and supervised eight computer specialist in providing support to 300 personnel Assignments division.
- The division was responsible for human resources for the entire Air Force including over 407,000 active duty members with an annual budget of $700 million. Also implement a 21st century assignment management system.
- Allowed a transition from a non-volunteer system to a partial volunteer assignment system.
May 1991 - May 1995
Senior Systems Analyst/Computer Programmer
Montgomery, AL
- Led and supervised two enlisted computer programmers providing support to over 150 data processing centers.
- Designed and maintained computer software on both main frame computers and desktop operating systems.
- Generated operator manuals and responsible for all beta testing of software.
- Personally re-designed software integration moving the Air Force from an antiquated communications medium to using the internet increasing efficiency over 500%.
I wanted to provide you a quick letter outlining a little about myself and some of my qualification and motivations to serve as a District Court Judge. Being an attorney is a second career for me but continues my calling to serve our country and to always work long and hard to excel in every job I do. My working career started when I was 16 in James B. Hunt Jr. High School Wilson NC as a Student Bus Driver. During high school I worked at the local theater as a projectionist and at the famous Parker’s Barbeque as a waiter. I knew that I wanted to have an education and wanted to serve our country so 6 months after graduating from High School in 1985, I enlisted in the Air Force to become a Communication Operator and Computer Programmer. The Air Force sent me to Seymour Johnson AFB as my first assignment and it was there when the first Gulf war occurred, I provided direct support to the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing in that conflict. After that conflict, I was assigned to Maxwell Air Force base as a system programmer/analyst and was the lead programmer for the transition of the Air Force to using the internet for base to base communications. During these first two assignments I completed my Bachelors degree though the night program at North Carolina Wesleyan College. After my degree was complete in 1994 I applied and was accepted to go to Air Force Officer Training School and was assigned to Randolph Air force Base as a System Analyst , I was the project manager over the software coding team of 20 programmers responsible for the transitioning of the assignment system to a modern database system.
Next, I requested to transition from a support job to a direct combat operational position as a C130 navigator. After training I was sent to Pope AFB in Fayetteville, NC in 1999. I deployed many times to Iraq spending over 3 years in IRAQ flying over 100 combat missions. I also spent a year in South Korea as the Airlift Liaison to the senior Army unit 2nd Infantry Division ensuring smooth airlift during exercises. My next assignment was to work as the liaison for the 18th Airborne Corp while maintaining my flying status as an instructor navigator. I deployed to IRAQ in support of General Petraeus and General Austin during the surge operations and received a Bronze Star for Leadership during combat operations. I was also a senior member of “Train60” mission that was awarded the 2005 Clarence Mackay Trophy presented by The National Aeronautic Association and maintained at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.
Due to wanting to stay in North Carolina and pursue my dream of being a lawyer, I decided to retire from the military and go to law school. I have always wanted to be a prosecutor and interned at the District Attorney’s office in my home county of Harnett during 1L summer. My 2L internship was with the NC State Bar to understand the process of prosecuting lawyers. My final internship 3L year was with the Durham County District Attorneys office. I was able to do over 20 trials and knew that I had found a new career serving JUSTICE.
Once I passed the Bar in 2013 I was hired by the Durham County District Attorney‘s office to work in a Guns and Gangs prosecutor’s position. I next moved to Fayetteville’s District Attorney’s office as the Domestic Violence Prosecutor. As a NC Prosecutor I have tried over 100 district court trials and 30 superior court jury trials including two 1st degree Murder jury trials and pleading several 2nd degree murders and 1st degree Kidnapping, Assault by Strangulations, and Drug Trafficking charges. My additional duties have included being the project manager for the Domestic Violence Prosecutor grant position. I am the Veterans Treatment Court Prosecutor.
I have been married for 22 years to Sharon and have 5 children Christopher , Chelsea, Kara, Benjamin, and Megan. Two graduated from Overhills High School located in Harnett County my youngest is a freshman attending Overhills High school. I am a Christian and want to help the families of my community by listening and applying the law to ensure fair Justice to all.
Brian E. Lewis
North Carolina Central University School of Law
Juris Doctorate (Magna Cum Laude), May 2013
- Guardian Ad Litem for Durham County
- Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
(Summa Cum Laude), May 1994
work experience
Cumberland County District Attorney’s officE
Dec 2014 - Present
Senior Prosecute represent the sate of NC in Superior Court Trials, Plea Negotiation, Motions Practice, probation court and specialty courts including Veterans Treatment Court
Durham County District Attorney’s office
Aug 2013 - Nov 2014
Prosecute and represent the sate of NC in District and Superior Court Trials, Plea Negotiation, Motions Practice, probation court and specialty courts including Drug Treatment Court and Teen Diversion Court
Durham Guardian Ad Litem Program
Mar 2011 - Nov 2014
- Interview and prepare reports on all persons involved in the care of juveniles assigned by the court
- Attend all court proceedings that affect the legal rights of the juveniles
- Testify when needed to represent the interest of the child
Durham County District Attorney’s Office
Dec 2012 - Sep 2013
- 3rd Year Law school Practice
- Assisted District Attorney in Court room with Victim Coordination and Law Enforcement witness Preparation
- Tried over 20 District court Trials including DWI, Domestic Assault , Larceny, and Misdemeanor drug cases
NCCU School of Law Academic Support
Provided additional class room structured training for the IRS Tax Code Course.
NCCU School of Law Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Sep 2012 - Dec 2012
- Act as attorney of Low Income tax payers, Register with IS as Attorney for client
- Complete forms with client and submit for all applicable waivers
- Ran Volunteer Income Tax Assistance clinic
NCCU School of Law Domestic Violence Clinic
Sep 2012 - Dec 2012
- Act as attorney in Domestic Violence Protective Order civil cases
- Interview clients and advised on process to receive Domestic Violence Protective Orders
- Provide Violence prevention planning / represent in court
NC State Bar Office of Council
Jun 2012 – July 2012
Paid 2nd Year Law School Intern
- Evaluation of grievances and make written recommendations for violations of NC Rules of Professional Conduct
- Assist in preparing for Disbarment Hearings
- Legal Research and write memorandum of Law
Harnett County, District Attorney's Office
Lillington, NC
May 2011 - July 2011
- Assisted Deputy District Attorney in Superior and District Court (Traffic, DUI, Domestic Violence)
- Researched areas of law and provided memorandum as well as drafted Motions and Orders
- Interfaced with defense counsel and pro se defendants providing procedure information and continuances
Elton Lewis Homes
Sanford, NC
Spring 2009 - 2015
Small Business Owner/NC Real Estate Broker(License 241512)
- Own company that acts as a property manager for 20 properties in Raleigh and Fayetteville, NC
- Designed and managed all marketing including Web development, bookkeeper and all tax filling for company
- Approve all prospective tenants. Accept rents, pay vendors, and prepare all trust account statements for owners
United States Air Force
Fayetteville, NC
Nov. 2005 – Jan. 2010
Air Mobility Liaison Officer for XVIII Airborne Corp(ABC)/C-130 Instructor Senior Navigator
- Advised Commanding general of XVIII ABC U.S.A. on U.S. Air Force worldwide airlift capability.
- Deployed worldwide and managed and directed 20 other staff officers at 10 separate locations.
- Earned Bronze Star for distinguished combat service in Iraq. Current U.S. TOP Secret clearance.
Jan. 2003 – Nov. 2005
Flight Commander/C-130 Instructor Senior Navigator
- Led and directed team of 28 flight officers in support of a 200 person unit providing 28 combat ready C-130 aircrews with a yearly budget of $750K.
- Awarded 2005 Mackay Trophy first crew to train in combat while operationally flying the President of Iraq
- Earned five combat air medals for over 465 combat flight hours in Iraq and Afghanistan
Jan. 2002 – Jan. 2003
Chief Mobility Liaison for Republic of Korea/C-130 Navigator
Seoul, South Korea
- Provided training and advice on the most effective use of tactical airlift to South Korean Defense ministry
- Qualified on drop zone certification and landing zone operations, allowing emergency resupply
- Instrumental in Korean peninsula reorganization of airlift assets allowing for a 30% reduction in manning
May 1995 – Jan. 2002
Chief Assignment Support Section
San Antonio, TX
- Led and supervised eight computer specialist in providing support to 300 personnel Assignments division.
- The division was responsible for human resources for the entire Air Force including over 407,000 active duty members with an annual budget of $700 million. Also implement a 21st century assignment management system.
- Allowed a transition from a non-volunteer system to a partial volunteer assignment system.
May 1991 - May 1995
Senior Systems Analyst/Computer Programmer
Montgomery, AL
- Led and supervised two enlisted computer programmers providing support to over 150 data processing centers.
- Designed and maintained computer software on both main frame computers and desktop operating systems.
- Generated operator manuals and responsible for all beta testing of software.
- Personally re-designed software integration moving the Air Force from an antiquated communications medium to using the internet increasing efficiency over 500%.
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Thank you for your support!
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Primary - Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
General - Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
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c/o Citizens for Brian E. Lewis
72 Crystal Pt.
Sanford, NC 27322
[email protected]
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